
Oasis Blend - Coffee For The People

WEEKEND SALE - JULY 12th, 2024 - JUly 14th, 2024 

We know times are tough, inflation, gas prices, COVID, the list goes on and on... We have designed the Oasis blend to help you stay stocked on the high quality specialty coffee you need without breaking the bank during these challenging times. The only coffee we offer in full 16oz or 1lb bags in addition to 1kg or 5lb sizes options. 

Sip, relax, repeat. Join us at the Oasis... Coffee for the People, peace for your mind and easy on the pocket book! 

Origin: Blend - South America & Africa

Roast: Medium

Sensory Notes: Sweet & Balanced - chocolate, caramel and nougat - a sweet oasis for the senses and a quiet moment for your mind.
